Thursday, March 19, 2015

Love(crosses out)... Hate(crosses out)... Indifference...

It all started with a boy with the appearance of a man... And a woman with the appearance of a girl she was a woman.... Who believed she was a girl....... Their "love" in her perspective........ She never knew a love so strong she wanted to be with him always she spent all of her beloved moments thinking about him.... She would do anything for him..... She believed she was young but in love...... 
Her best friends perspective 
Does she not see it... I guess I'm missing something because I just a don't see what's so great about him.... How does she put up with this... She is always un happy and I hardly ever see her... And even when she is with me she isn't present..... Why does she think he is so successful he may be 20 but he is going no where fast and is doing nothing about it.. he even lost his job at a fast food place..... But I "don't get it"
Mother and grandmother
He did seem so perfect at the beginning.... But She will see it... Give her time... She won't believe us if we tell her.... But I don't know how much longer I can watch her in this much pain... It doesn't matter how much we tell her that he is an idiot.... He will always convince her otherwise.....
Perspective of grandpa and uncles 
When is she going to dump this loser... 
The couple was starting to fight a lot.... They where really struggling..... Every time she would question him... Or why he hasn't been talking to her or why everything had to be his way because he was always right! Or why her hair needed to be longer because he liked girls with long hair or ask questions ask questions ask questions.... He would turn it around on her and make her feel like she was below him... That she knew nothing.... This girl..... 
His perspective 
I love her..... Of course.... But..... But....... But......... I want her to only spend time with me... I want her to know how smart I am... I want her to understand that I have experienced more than her so I can help teach her... I want her to be more sociable I want her to be more girly I want her to grow her hair out... I want her to dress less like a school girl more like an edgy girl... I want her to swear on occasion... I want her to mold into this little ball... And then I can control where I throw her because I love her.... I love her so much..... But.........
He was a boy that looked like a man..... Until one day that girl looked at his shadow and she could see that he fell short... She started to spend time with her friends again and realized how she isn't sweet at all she can be nice but she is sassy, sarcastic, can get very hyper, but she can also be serious, she enjoys looking like a school girl and she has always been smart... And that's when the girl took on the shadow of a woman... It was a hard pill to swallow.... But in reality she loved him but...... He was manipulating her and trying to control her but not anymore..... That girl is finally free of the manipulation, forced thoughts, fake realities, damsel in distress with no stairs, free of the boy... Who looks like a very pathetic man.. I am finally free... 

Best friends

I know you think that no one sees you.... But Your eyes yell silently 
And trust me I see them and I can tell your tears linger at night
You're not the guy that makes my heart race.. But you are the guy that puts my heart at ease...  
Every now and then I catch that look That sweet but marvelous look on his face and for the first time probably ever I can tell that someone truly cares about me. 
I don't like him because he is so great. I like him because he is the perfect best friend... 


It was beautiful the way that you spent every moment for someone else, it was beautiful how you got up after the fall scrapped knees and all it was beautiful, it is beautiful that she still catches butterflies and let's them fly away to beautiful places, it is beautiful how many babies are born every single day, it is beautiful how so many people are over coming so many different things and it is soo beautiful how many people are living right now..... But it's also beautiful how there are so many angles in heaven, and we are all a part of something so beautiful.... 

Random thoughts...

Sometimes I think that I'm really smart, that I'm wiser than my years. But then I am quickly reminded that I'm not when I make a decision so stupid that someone with more years  and wisdom could see from miles away.. But don't we all make reeeeally stupid decisions.. So are we all just un wise or just un able, un able to put together what's right in front of us and make a quick decision that is wise, that would be insanity, but arent we all a little insane. So let's stop telling people to be normal, because that is un wise. Speaking of un wise I could give you a list of decisions I've made that are exactly that. But then I would just be giving you a list of boys I have dated.

Pink Blanket

When I was a baby my mom gave me a pink blanket... If you looked at me as a little girl you would classify me as a pink soul.... When my mom remarried my soul took on the color of a stray dog and I howled at the wind .... I was never supposed to be light pink... That wasn't the color of my blanket.... But it passed quickly and My soul came out bright yellow..... I have had my fair share of the clouds that make my yellow soul turn gray for moments.... All until one day..... One day my bright yellow soul met with a color I didn't recognize and my yellow vibrancy dimmed and no matter how many times I tried I couldn't fix the color black... So I got a knew blanket.... I made it myself.. I am never going to have that bright yellow blanket I had as a child... But I will forever carry my brand new pink blanket.